“My Ocean World Series originally emerged from my oceanfront studios while living on Vancouver Island, BC, Hawaii, the Caribbean and Brighton, UK. I have been deeply connected with the ocean since. Whenever I gazed out of the window or strolled along the beach I became intensely fascinated by its constantly changing atmosphere, shape, color, light and sound. The ocean has always been a source of creativity and inspiration for me.There are days where I am tremendously inspired to mix the colors and start to create how this whole ocean scene feels to me.

With the scent of fresh seaweed in the air, rolling waves, the cry of seagulls and eagles; and the sun illuminating the horizon, I listen to the sound of the waves and allow my creations to emerge deep from within my innermost being in love and appreciation of my friend the ocean.” – Leah Angelo

© Leah Angelo – all rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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